Raspberry Chocolate Brownies

1 cup raw hazelnuts
1/2 cup raw walnuts
1/3 cup cocoa powder
2 tablespoons flax meal
¼ cup frozen raspberries
8-10 Medjool dates, pitted (optional) 



3 tablespoons chocolate chips
2 tablespoons non-dairy milk
1/4 cup frozen raspberries, extra for garnish (use fresh if available)



*Makes 8 squares

  1. Rinse nuts in a colander and drain well. Place nuts, cocoa, PlantFusion and flax in a food processor and pulse until ingredients are just incorporated.

  2. If adding raspberries, pulse those into the mix.

  3. With processor running, add in dates one at a time.

  4. Continue to blend until all ingredients are well combined and the dough will stick together when pinched between two fingers.

  5. Wrap the bottom of a loaf pan with plastic wrap.

  6. Press mixture into pan with a spatula or your fingertips and smooth over the top. Press pretty hard so mixture forms a brownie.
  7. Make sauce by whisking together the chocolate chips and milk in a small saucepan over medium heat.
  8. Whisk until the chocolate chips have melted and then whisk in PlantFusion.
  9. Once incorporated, stir in raspberries and continue to whisk until they have mostly melted.
  10. Pour this mixture over the brownies and smooth over the top. Chill in refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  11. Then slice brownies down the middle and into 4 equal pieces. 
